Antiq '99 Party Report

Written by immortal rat

Friday, 23.00. Finally Robson, Shaman of Exceed and I arrived at the party place. From the railway station we had had to go by taxi 'cause the bus was full. A little bit expensive but quick and comfortable. So I bought a ticket and started searching for anybody I knew. Codeorgo of Black Rainbow was the first I met, the second was Aries/BR. They said we had to finish our demo so we started working. In general, there wasn't any great party feeling during this first night, except the dancing in the compo room with Viki and Tomcat/Greenroom. Outside it was raining. As nothing special happened, I got to sleep. When I got up I noticed that somebody had stolen my entry ticket. Sux. I tried to get another one but I couldn't so the security man was always angry when we bumped into each other.

Saturday, 11.00. The rain stopped. We were heading to another place to take part in the Streetball compo. I was in a team together with Viki, Tomcat, and Nagz. We were the first to play against some professional guys. Well, we were only watching the flying ball over our heads. So the result was 0:9999 I think.

Saturday, 14.00. The deadline for the music entries. The weather was good so there was nothing that could stop the fun compo except some angry organizers. In the end the fun compo started at about 16.00. The first part was very boring but when we started jumping on Digital Pain who is about 60 kg the party was about to get its full feeling. After destroying six monitors, a couple of mouses and about 40 CDs we returned to the party place. There we finished the BR demo, gave it to the organizers, and tested it.

Saturday, 20.00. The compos are about to start? No...

Saturday, 22.00. At last the music compos started, C64 music, mchn, 4chn, then slowly gfx, intros, demos, wild demos. The compos lastet till about 3.00 on Sunday. Voting, waiting for results and going home was the program for Sunday morning.

The releases.

I missed the tunes because I slept during the music compos. The pictures were mainly good, at latest the raytrace compo included some were very good entries! Most of the intros, by contrast, were lame, both the 1k and the 4k ones. The 64k intro were a little better, especially the Amiga 64k, which I thought was very good. Unlike originally planned, the demos were shown in one category (both 3d and classic demos). A 3d demo called Origin won. It had a very nice engine and showed equally interesting scenes.

So that was the antiq99. Bye until next year.

immortal rat^toomany

The AntIQ '99 compo results can be found at