A Huffman, But No Tree?



You have probably heard this name a thousand times, and may have even coded a few programs which use it. The algorithm for creating a Huffman tree is well known, and it's so elegant that it makes the rest of your code look messy.

But (don't you just hate that word?), but, after creating the tree we still need to gather the unique prefix codes to each leaf on the tree. This usually means a recursive routine which can eat up a lot of stack space.

So in this article I will try to explain the Huffman algorithm and the part which is all too often absent from other documents - gathering the prefix codes from the tree.

To make this article a little more interesting I will not use a tree!!


"Bitstream": A continuous block of bytes treated as one long series of bits.

"Token": This represents a command or a number of data bytes. The token can range from a single bit upto 16 or more in length.

"Putbits": This takes a token and writes all of its bits into the Bitstream. It has to deal with crossing byte boundaries and writing bit(s) to the correct bit positions in each Bitstream byte.

What's a Huffman tree?

Well, Huffman isn't really a tree, it's more of a coding technique which encodes "symbols" (bytes, or characters for example) using a variable number of bits to form an unique prefix code. The number of bits which are used for a prefix is based upon the frequency that the symbol occurs in the data stream. If a symbol occurs very often, then it is given the least number of bits possible, if a symbol occurs very rarely then it is given a greater number of bits.

First of all we need to know the "frequency" (how often each symbol occurs in the data stream), this is an easy task.

Before we can count the frequency of each symbol we first need to reset all the counters to zero, I will use the same loop to zero out some other variables which will be explained and used later on.

 freqs        dw    256 dup (?)
 prefixes     dw    256 dup (?)
 prefbits     dw    256 dup (?)
 links        dw    256 dup (?)


              sub   ax, ax
              sub   bx, bx            ; n = 0 to 255
              mov   freqs[bx], ax     ; freqs[n] = 0
              mov   prefixes[bx], ax  ; prefixes[n] = 0
              mov   prefbitx[bx], ax  ; prefbits[n] = 0
              mov   links[bx], ax     ; links[n] = 0
              add   bx, 2
              cmp   bx, (2*256)
              jnz   short clrcounts

Now let's scan the entire data stream and count each byte's frequency.

              [DS:SI] --> data stream
              CX = Number of Bytes in data stream

              mov   ah, 0
              lodsb                   ; n = InputByte()
              mov   bx, ax
              add   bx, bx
              inc   freqs[bx]         ; freqs[n] + 1
              loop  freqloop

So now the word array 'freqs' has the frequency of each byte.

Building The Tree

And now the Huffman algorithm.

a) Collect the frequencies of each symbol in our data stream (done).
b) Create nodes for each symbol (done).

1) Find the two nodes with the two lowest frequencies.
I'll call them "alpha" and "beta".

2) For every child node of "alpha" add a '0' bit to the prefix.
3) For every child node of "beta" add a '1' bit to the prefix.

4) Join alpha and beta into one parent node, and give it the total frequency of alpha + beta.

5) Remove the alpha and beta nodes, then add the parent node.

6) Repeat this process from 1) until only one node is left.

And now the code.

The following code has been taken from some old source code and slightly modified to make it more readible, it should work, but don't sue me. X8-]

There is only one loop. It is quite big so I have broken it down into small stages.

Stage 1) Find the node with the lowest freq.

 alpha        equ <bx>
 beta         equ <di>

              sub si, si             ; for i = 0 to 255
              mov alpha, si
              mov dx, 0FFFFh         ; lowest freq = MAX number
              mov ax, freqs[si]
              test ax, ax
              jz short skip1         ; ignore if freq[i] = 0
              cmp ax, dx
              jae short skip1        ; greater than lowest so far?
              mov dx, ax             ; keep lowest freq
              mov alpha, si          ; alpha = i
              add si, 2
              cmp si, (2*256)
              jnz short find1        ; check all nodes

Stage 2) Find the node with the 2nd lowest freq.

              sub si, si             ; for i = 0 to 255
              mov cx, -1             ; lowest count = -1
              mov ax, freqs[si]
              test ax, ax
              jz short skip2         ; ignore if freq[i] = 0
              cmp ax, cx
              jae short skip2        ; greater than lowest so far?
              cmp si, alpha
              jz short skip2         ; ignore if alpha = i
              mov cx, ax             ; keep lowest freq
              mov beta, si           ; beta = i
              add si, 2
              cmp si, (2*256)
              jnz short find2        ; check all nodes

Stage 3) Check if we only have 1 lowest node.

              inc cx                 ; lowest beta freq = -1?
              jz short done

Stage 4) Add a '0' to all of alpha's nodes.

              mov ax, alpha
              mov si, ax
              shr prefix[si], 1      ; shift in a 0 bit
              inc prefbits[si]
              mov ax, links[si]
              test ax, ax
              jnz short add_0bit     ; repeat for all of alpha's nodes

Stage 5) Combine alpha + beta nodes (join beta to end of alpha link-list).

              mov links[si], beta

Stage 6) Add a '1' to all of beta's nodes.

              mov ax, beta
              mov si, ax
              rcr prefix[si], 1       ; shift in a 1
              mov ax, links[si]
              test ax, ax
              jnz short add_1bit      ; repeat for all of beta's nodes

Stage 7) Combine alpha and beta into one node (alpha).

              mov ax, freqs[beta]
              add freqs[alpha], ax    ; freq[alpha] + freq[beta]

Stage 8) Remove beta from our node list (just zero its freq).

              mov freq[beta], 0

And repeat the loop...

              jmp buildtree


And that, ladies and gentlemen, is the Huffman tree built!! As you can see there is NO recursion (in fact, NO stack space was used).

Using our Huffman 'Tree'

Okay, now after building it, we had better use it.

              [DS:SI] --> data stream
              DX = Number of Bytes in data stream (NOTE: DX )

              lodsb                   ; n = InputByte()
              mov ah, 0
              add ax, ax
              mov bx, ax
              mov ax, prefix[bx]      ; ax = prefix[i]
              mov cx, prefbits[bx]    ; cx = prefbits[i]
              call PutBits            ; PutBits(AX, CX)
              dec dx
              jnz short freqloop      ; repeat for all bytes...

Of course you need to write your own "PutBits" routine (hint: look in a recent issue of Hugi).


Okay, the weakest part is the searching for the two nodes with the two lowest frequencies. I actually wrote the above code to test out this tree-less Huffman idea, and as far as I can tell... it works.

There is also some wasted bytes in the 'prefbits' array. It is defined as a WORD array, but in fact a BYTE array would work and save 256 bytes. But then again you would need to convert the current word index into a byte index so it probably isn't worth it, unless you are using p-mode and the groovy S-I-B addressing modes.

Closing Words

If the code doesn't work, then... sorry, but I want this to be used as inspiration for YOU to write your own code, instead of a cut-n-paste.

As you will no doubt want to use this in p-mode then a total re-write is in order anyway, you can then speed up the lame search loops.

If anyone has any suggestions to speed up this method then why not write a short article for Hugi? I am sure this would make other coders happy too.

I haven't seen that many Huffman algorithms, well actually about two. And I have not seen one which uses this nice linked-list approach to build the tree and gather the prefix codes.



TAD #:o)