Technical Information on the archiver ACE V1.2

Copyright by Marcel Lemke, May 1998

1.   Block format

2.   Block types
2.1.   Archive header
2.2.   File block
2.3.   Recovery record

3.   Archive processing

4.   Building CRCs
4.1.   C source
4.2.   Pascal source

1. Block format

The whole archive consists of blocks which vary in size.


    bytes   meaning       description

     2      HEAD_CRC      CRC16 over block up from HEAD_TYPE
     2      HEAD_SIZE     size of the block from HEAD_TYPE
                            up to the beginning of the ADDSIZE block

     1      HEAD_TYPE     indicates type of block (see chapter 2.)
     2      HEAD_FLAGS    flags related to the block and its content
                            for all blocks these flags are valid:

                             bit  description

                              0   ADDSIZE field present
                              1   Block includes a comment

    [4]     ADDSIZE       an optional field which represents the size of
                          an additional block without specified structure
                           (no HEAD_CRC, HEAD_SIZE etc.)
     ?      OTHER FIELDS

2. Block types

2.1. Archive header

The archive header is the first block of each archive or volume.


      bytes   meaning       description

       2      HEAD_CRC      CRC16 over block up from HEAD_TYPE
       2      HEAD_SIZE     size of the block from HEAD_TYPE
                              up to the last byte of this block

       1      HEAD_TYPE     archive header type is 0
       2      HEAD_FLAGS    contains most important information about the

                               bit  description

                                0   0  (no ADDSIZE field)
                                1   presence of a main comment

                                9   SFX-archive
                                10  dictionary size limited to 256K
                                    (because of a junior SFX)
                                11  archive consists of multiple volumes
                                12  main header contains AV-string
                                13  recovery record present
                                14  archive is locked
                                15  archive is solid

       7      ACESIGN       fixed string: '**ACE**' serves to find the
                              archive header

       1      VER_EXTRACT   version needed to extract archive
       1      VER_CREATED   version used to create the archive
       1      HOST_CREATED  HOST-OS for ACE used to create the archive

                               value   host

                                0      MS-DOS
                                1      OS/2
                                2      Win32
                                3      Unix
                                4      MAC-OS
                                5      Win NT
                                6      Primos
                                7      APPLE GS
                                8      ATARI
                                9      VAX VMS
                                10     AMIGA
                                11     NEXT

       1      VOLUME_NUM        which volume of a multi-volume-archive is it?
       4      TIME_CREATED      date and time in MS-DOS format
       8      RESERVED          8 bytes reserved for the future
      [1]     AV_SIZE           size of the following AV string
      [?]     AV                the AV string itself
      [2]     COMMENT_SIZE      compressed size of the following comment
      [?]     COMMENT           compressed data of comment
       ?      RESERVED

Comments are compressed using simple LZP+huffman. Sources how to create those compressed comments might be published sometime.

2.2. File block

Directories are stored in this type of block, too. There is no extra block structure.


      bytes   meaning       description

       2      HEAD_CRC      CRC16 over block up from HEAD_TYPE
       2      HEAD_SIZE     size of the block up from HEAD_TYPE
                              up to the beginning of the compressed data

       1      HEAD_TYPE     file header type is 1
       2      HEAD_FLAGS
                               bit  description

                                0   1 (ADDSIZE field present)
                                1   presence of file comment

                                12  file continued from previous volume
                                13  file continues on the next volume
                                14  file encrypted with password
                                15  solid-flag: file compressed using data
                                      of previous files of the archive

       4      PACK_SIZE     this is the ADDSIZE field;
                            the additional block contains compressed file
                              data without exception
       4      ORIG_SIZE     the original size of the file
       4      FTIME         file date and file time in MS-DOS format
       4      ATTR          attributes of the file
       4      CRC32         checksum over the compressed file
       4      TECH_INFO

                1           type of compression
                              0  store
                              1  ACE_LZ77_1

                1           quality of compression
                              0  fastest
                              1  fast
                              2  normal
                              3  good
                              4  best

                2           parameter for decompression

       2      RESERVED
       2      FNAME_SIZE    size of filename string in bytes
       1      FNAME         filename string (OEM)
      [2]     COMM_SIZE     compressed size of file comment
      [?]     COMMENT       file comment
       ?      RESERVED
      compressed file data (size is PACK_SIZE)

2.3. Recovery record

The protection by recovery records works this way: See the whole archive as a sequence of blocks with a defined length. Build checksums over these blocks to determine (later) whether a block has been damaged or not. Xor all blocks to one. Save this xor-block and the checksums. To restore a damaged block all undamaged blocks have to be xor'd with the xor-block.


       2      HEAD_CRC      CRC16 over block up from HEAD_TYPE
       2      HEAD_SIZE     size of the block up from HEAD_TYPE

       1      HEAD_TYPE     header type of recovery records is 2
       2      HEAD_FLAGS
                               bit  description

                                0   1 (ADDSIZE field present)

       4      REC_BLK_SIZE  ADDSIZE field; size of recovery data
       7      ACESIGN       string: '**ACE**';
                              allows search for this block with destroyed
                              archive structure
       4      REL_STRT      relative start (to this block) of the data this
                              block is mode of
       4      NUM_BLKS      number of blocks the data is splitten in
       4      CL_SIZE       size of these blocks
       2      REC_CRC       CRC16 over recovery data
      recovery data:

       2      1st CRC16     CRC over the first block of the archive
       2      2nd CRC16     CRC over the second block of the archive
       .      .
       .      .
       2  NUM_BLKSth CRC16  CRC over the last block (up to the recovery
                              record) of the archive
      CL_SIZE XOR-DATA      contains the xor'd data of all the blocks
                              the archive has been splitten in for this

3. Archive processing

For processing an archive you first need to get the start offset of it in a certain file. The way to do so is:

1.) search for the acesign ('**ACE**')

2.) read a block from (acesign_position-7) (because the acesign is at offset 7 in the archive header)

3.) build the checksum of this block and check it against HEAD_CRC; if they do not match go to step 1.)

After you got the start you can read one block after another like this:

1.) read HEAD_CRC and HEAD_SIZE

2.) read HEAD_SIZE bytes; build the CRC of them and check it against HEAD_CRC; the archive is broken if the CRCs do not match

3.) interpret the contents of the block

4.) skip ADDSIZE bytes if ADDSIZE is present

Do so until the EOF of the archive.

See next chapter how to build CRCs.

4. Building CRCs

This chapter contains sources how to build a "CRC32". The full 32 bits are needed at the file checksums only. In the headers there are only the lower 16 bits of a CRC32 value saved.

To initialize "getcrc" just call "make_crc_table". To get a CRC of a block inititalize your CRC variable with CRC_MASK. Then use getcrc to update this variable.

Example how to check the CRC of an header:

      make_crctable();                                // only once


      crc=CRC_MASK;                                   // initialize CRC
      crc=getcrc(crc,&head.HEAD_TYPE,head.HEAD_SIZE); // update CRC

                                                      // check lower 16 bits
      if (UWORD(crc)!=UWORD(head.HEAD_CRC)) error_archive_broken();

4.1. C source

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        #define CRCPOLY 0xEDB88320
        #define CRC_MASK 0xFFFFFFFF

        unsigned r,i,j;
          for (i=0;i<=255;i++) {
            for (r=i,j=8;j;j--)
            crctable[i] = r;

        unsigned long getcrc(unsigned long crc,unsigned char *addr,int len)
          while (len--)
            crc=crctable[(unsigned char)crc^(*addr++)]^(crc>>8);

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4.2. Pascal source

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        const CRCPOLY=$EDB88320;CRC_MASK=$FFFFFFFF;
        type tbytear=array[0..60000] of byte;

        procedure make_crctable;
        var i,j:integer;
          for i:=0 to 255 do begin
            for j:=8 downto 1 do
              if (r and 1)>0 then r:=(r shr 1) xor CRCPOLY else r:=r shr 1;

        function getcrc(crc:longint;addr:tbptr;len:integer):longint;
        var i:word;
          while (len>0) do begin
            crc:=crctable[(byte(crc)) xor(addr^[i])] xor(longint(crc) shr 8);

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